You’re Out
You’re Out
By Lawrence Miles

I misread the no smoking sign on the bus
And thought it stood for
No baseball bats allowed on the bus
I’ve never tried to take a baseball bat on the bus
But I would doubt if the bus driver would stop me
As long as I did not look like I would use it on the bus
If I was wearing a baseball uniform
It would be easier to pull off
And if it was the uniform of a major league team
Complete with pants
Which you rarely see on a fan
I might even get a few curious looks
From people mistaking me for a Triple-A prospect
Called up for a season-ending cup of coffee
Maybe they would even ask me for an autograph
And I would gladly give it
Because it would be rude not to.
Lawrence Miles is a poet living in White Plains, NY. He has recently been published in Poets Live Fourth Anthology, 2022 New Generation Beats Anthology, and Four Feathers Press’ Sounds of Southern California: Poetry of Music.
Sam Williams is a cartoonist, comics publisher and baseball enthusiast based in Bournemouth, UK.
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