Five Baseball Haiku

Five Baseball Haiku

By Albert Schlaht

Illustration by Jeff Brain

spring day
every player
long arms
deliver first pitch
spring breeze
after the game
cleanup crew among benches—
hopping crows
hot dog
with everything on it
bases loaded
raucous laughter
during 7th-inning stretch
soaring gulls

Albert Schlaht is a native of Big Sky Country residing in Missoula, Montana, and a lifelong Dodgers fan. He has penned numerous short verse and flash fiction. His poetry has appeared in Copperfield Review, Shamrock Haiku Journal, Scifaikuest, Cold Moon Journal, and Scarlet Dragonfly among others.

Jeff Brain is a retired public school teacher. You can find more of his art on his website or on Instagram.

The Twin Bill is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can support The Twin Bill by donating here.