A Father’s Questions (No. 39)
A Father’s Questions (No. 39)
By Emily Gross

How do you get a temperamental three-year-old to Yankee Stadium on the last day of August?
What do you say when she demands to know where “the Strawberry” is?
How can you explain that he is an imperfect man and not a giant, seeded fruit?
What will placate her wailing confusion each time he is announced?
And how, two years later, do you talk to her about prostitution?
Emily Gross is an occasional writer, former rugby player, and reluctant (but proud) New Yorker, born and raised in Lower Manhattan. They were once described as “a Yankees fan, but a likable enough person nonetheless.” Emily has lived up and down the Northeast with stints in the Midwest and now resides in Brooklyn with their partner, one subway transfer away from Yankee Stadium.
Mark Mosley is a public school 7th grade math teacher. He draws baseball cards when he is not driving his son to baseball or his daughter to gymnastics. His cards can be seen on Twitter @mosley_mark, on Instagram @idrawbaseballcards, and can be purchased at https://idrawbaseballcards.bigcartel.com/
The Twin Bill is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can support The Twin Bill by donating here.