Minor League Game in Mauldin, South Carolina
Minor League Game in Mauldin, South Carolina
By Dave Malone

The right fielder steps to the plate.
Lines of gray hair sneak out
of the batter’s helmet.
Criss-crosses decorate the back
of his neck. Jersey too tight
around his midriff. The pants
are wrong, too. The announcer
calls his name, and it crackles
and dies in the outfield. I know
this guy. He was an Expo once,
god, that must have been a decade ago,
and I remember now, he hit .362
after 40 games then something happened,
what happened, he lost a son, a wife,
as if the game only mattered.
Dave Malone is a poet from the Missouri Ozarks. His most recent poetry collection is Bypass (Aldrich Press, 2023). He grew up in both Kansas and Missouri. In Kansas he was a die-hard Royals fan, rooting for phenomenal players like Frank White and Amos Otis. In Missouri he recorded fond memories of hot box, headfirst slides, and skinned elbows.
Sam Williams is a cartoonist, comics publisher, and baseball enthusiast based in Bournemouth, UK.
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