Rocky Mountain High
Rocky Mountain High
By Sammy Anderson

Rocky mountain high,
Colorado low,
asking God why
I obsess over this show.
Black and purple,
white and gray.
Sometimes I regret that fateful day
I opened the paper
and what should I see?
The Colorado Rockies,
the team for me.
Sammy Anderson is a writer and filmmaker currently residing in North Hollywood, CA. He spent much of his early 20’s traveling and working in the film industry. His first published work will be seen in the upcoming Summer issue of the online publication “Halcyon Days”
Jason David Córdova lives in Puerto Rico as an illustrator and painter. Some of his art can be seen on Instagram at @jasoni72. You can visit his shop on Red Bubble.
The Twin Bill is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can support The Twin Bill by donating here.