Surprise Party

Surprise Party

By Scott Bolohan

Illustration by Mark Mosely

The apple hides
In centerfield
Waiting for the cue
The guest of honor 
Never arrives
The Mets lose again

Scott Bolohan’s poetry has twice been selected for the National Baseball Poetry Festival. He is a Yankee Stadium tour guide but loves going to Citi Field. He’s also the founder of The Twin Bill and host of its podcast. He submitted this using a very silly fake name when the Mets actually used to lose games before the Grimace Era.

Mark Mosley is a public school 7th grade math teacher. He draws baseball cards when he is not driving his son to baseball or his daughter to gymnastics. His cards can be seen on Twitter @mosley_mark, on Instagram @idrawbaseballcards, and can be purchased at

The Twin Bill is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can support The Twin Bill by donating here.