Thinking of Hopkins at Fenway Park
Thinking of Hopkins at Fenway Park
By Mark D. Bennion

Glory be to God for the crack of the bat—
The thwack that echoes for years
After the ball lands in the stands,
For follow-through on the swing, bat flips,
Old blue’s spinning pointer finger,
And the player’s hand raised to the fans.
For all teammates hollering in the dugout,
Waiting for the trot around the bases–
Their war cries and forearm bumps and spin.
For Williams’ red seat, the green monster,
Numbers retired—Martinez, Doerr, Big Papi,
Cronin, Yaz, Pesky, Boggs, Rice, Fisk.
Whoever paints the batter’s box and rakes the dirt, sweeps
Stadium stairs, tosses out the game ball. He lingers
At the park long after broken records
And rule changes.
Praise Him.
Mark D. Bennion currently teaches writing and literature courses at Brigham Young University-Idaho. His poems have appeared in Aethlon, Dappled Things, The Lyric, Sport Literate, Whale Road Review, and other journals. His most recent collection is Ambrosia: Love Poems (Finishing Line Press, 2024). Currently, he and his wife, Kristine, are trying to figure out how to parent two married children and three teenagers. They welcome your advice.
Andy Lattimer is a gay guy who lives in Southern California. He makes comics, most of which are about baseball. You can read them on his website,
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