To Big Papi
To Big Papi
i.m. dan yacuzzo
By Andrew K. Peterson

uncle dan
rode the pike
two hours east
from northampton
to the grandstand
(season tickets split
with richer nephew)
between home & first
section 17, row 20
when i asked
if he’d go even
on the verge of
being swept out
of the division
by the hated yankees
he said,
“i’d rather be there,
suffer through it”
) (
first game
post bombing
papi, you raise
your fist to this
our fucking city
a defiant heart
in chopper air
still beating
) (
octobers later
sox in last
i try to keep it light
“good news!
today the yankees
were eliminated
from playoff
& give a squeeze
through his thick
hospital sock
as if to say
good game
see you soon
we’ll be there
opening day
“tough crowd”
a blue scrub said
“we’re sox fans,
doc. we gotta be”
) (
i still see him
thanks to you
when they show
your replay
he’s the first to jump
arms raised
against the monster
you bopped it over
walk it off in extras
the city on your shoulders
you carry us
past the angels
& back to the world again
Andrew K. Peterson is a Boston-based poet and lifelong Red Sox fan. He is the author of six full-length poetry books, most recently Secret Equinox / Scorpio Journal (published by Spuyten Duyvil in 2023).
Andy Lattimer is a gay guy who lives in Southern California. He makes comics, most of which are about baseball. You can read them on his website,
The Twin Bill is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can support The Twin Bill by donating here.