Captain Dynamite Will Blow Himself Up
Captain Dynamite Will Blow Himself Up
By Amanda Kooser

Patrick “Midnight” O’Brien doffed
his merchant marine hat
with the eagle crest, wings raised
surrounded by laurels
he gave his crown
to the groundskeeper
strapped his craggy head
into a gold helmet sparkling
in the early evening sun
and laid face down
in his paper coffin of death
we came for the game, yes
for the Arkansas Travelers
for the molasses sweetness
of Cracker Jacks in June
but we came also
for Captain Dynamite
for the spectacle of sparks
the pop of explosives
ringing across the field
in those moments of suspense
the smoke dissipated like clouds
the man lay motionless, prone
every bit as compelling
as a full count awaiting the pitch
a stadium held its breath
until he rose to the kind
of applause usually reserved
for home run kings
such daring, such madness
he lingers as a shadow of myth
in our minor league memories
Amanda Kooser is a freelance journalist and a longtime contributor to CNET specializing in goofy rocks on Mars. She graduated from the University of New Mexico creative writing MFA program in 2022. Her work has appeared in the Harwood Anthology, Conceptions Southwest and the upcoming New Mexico Poetry Anthology. Amanda lives in Albuquerque and plays a pink-sparkle guitar in indie rock band The Dawn Hotel. Find her on Twitter: @akooser.
Jason David Córdova lives in Puerto Rico as an illustrator and painter. Some of his art can be seen on Instagram at @jasoni72. You can visit his shop on Red Bubble.
The Twin Bill is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. You can support The Twin Bill by donating here.